
Big strings in bpftrace

If you’ve ever written BPF code you’ve probably run into the limits of the BPF programming model. bpftrace, a high level tracing language built on BPF, does its best to hide these limits – usually through language design but sometimes through clever code generation. Even so, some fundamental issues still leak through.

One such example is with the string type.

BPF memory

The BPF programming model makes an implicit distinction between kernel memory, user memory, and BPF memory. BPF memory is memory the verifier knows is safe to access. This includes the BPF stack, map allocated memory, etc. In order to work with data originating from the first two categories, a BPF program first needs to pull it into BPF memory through bpf_probe_read_[user|kernel][_str]() helper functions. Sometimes the line is blurry. With BPF Type Format (BTF) the verifier can type check and ensure the memory being read is safely paged-in and in-bounds. For example, if the verifier can prove you have a pointer to valid kernel memory, the program can directly use the pointer in string functions without the aforementioned helpers.

To paper over such differences and expose a unified interface, bpftrace users are required to call str() on C-strings to get a handle to a string they can interact with. For example, assuming foo is a kernel function declared as void foo(char *s), the following bpftrace program counts the occurrences of every string passed to foo and stores the results into map @occurences:

# bpftrace -e ‘kfunc:foo { @occurences[str(args.s)] = count() }’

BPF memory limitations

Because there is no way to efficiently allocate dynamic BPF memory (at least, until very recently) in BPF program context, all strings need to be read onto the stack. However, the verifier imposes both a 512 byte stack limit as well as a prohibition on variable sized stack allocations. The implication being that all strings need to be pre-sized at compile time - a classic right-sizing problem.

As a result, bpftrace now has the now infamous BPFTRACE_MAX_STRLEN configuration. This knob defaulted to 64 bytes and was tunable up to around 200 bytes, at which point both LLVM and the verifier would start complaining. In the above example, any string over 63 bytes (excluding NUL) would be summarily truncated. Any experienced programmer can tell you 63 bytes (or even 200) is not nearly enough for real world strings.

Even so, this has been the status quo for some number of years… until now.

Everything is a map

Astute readers might wonder: in the above example, why does the string need to exist on the stack at all? Can’t it just be read directly into @occurences’s storage, where there are no size limitations? The answer is perhaps one day, if the kernel adds support for it. The current CRUD interface to BPF maps requires pointers for keys and values, thus implying storage somewhere in BPF memory.

This is a good thought - is there somewhere else in BPF memory without size limitations we can read the string into? The answer, as with many questions in BPF, is to use a map.

The 512 byte stack limit is a well known limitation in BPF. While there are new developments in this area, the long-standing workaround has been to use an array map sized to a single entry as scratch space. At load time, the verifier rewrites array map lookups to regular memory accesses (without the source-level helper call). This means that performance remains good despite appearances.

So what if we created an array map with a single entry of arbitrary BPFTRACE_MAX_STRLEN? Well, it wouldn’t work as a single global, as the same program can concurrently run on different CPUs. So it would have to be a per-cpu array map, which the kernel already supports. But consider the following case:

# bpftrace -e ‘kfunc:bar { @m[str(args.s)] = str(args.s2) }’

The update to map @m is a single bpf_map_update_elem() call. Meaning both strings have to be alive at the same time. In other words, we have an overlapping lifetime problem for that single array entry. This is the key issue that has blocked progress on big strings for so long.

One entry per node

Fortunately there is a rather simple and general (as you’ll see) solution lurking in plain sight. Consider the following script:

$s = str(args.s);                           // (1)
@m[$s, str(args.s2)] = str(args.s3);        // (2), (3)
$i = 0;
while ($i < 5) {
    @m2[$i] = str(args.s4);                 // (4)

This program creates 8 strings at runtime but only 4 unique storage slots are necessary to avoid all potential lifetime conflicts. To accurately count and assign slots, a compiler need only walk the abstract syntax tree (AST) and assign each str() node an increasing index or id. As long as bpftrace is careful to load strings into their assigned slot, the whole thing will work. Note it is very simple for any compiler to walk and count nodes like this.

Once all the slots are tallied up, we can create a per-cpu array map with nr_slots entries sized to any arbitrary BPFTRACE_MAX_STRLEN size. Note this size is basically unlimited now - multiple gigabytes should work as long as you have enough memory. The downside to this approach is that we are pessimistically pre-allocating memory. Strings can be smaller than BPFTRACE_MAX_STRLEN or worse: the strings may never be created. In this case, we’ve found in practice that our users are happy to trade some wasted memory for smoother debugging sessions.

Printing big strings

While assigning storage slots to each string is a novel trick, its implementation exposed a few long standing assumptions. The biggest challenge was printing big strings. For example, consider:

# bpftrace -e ‘kfunc:foo { printf(“%s, %s\n”, str(args.s), str(args.s)) }’

In this case, the program will allocate a two string “tuple” on the stack, copy both strings into the tuple, and then copy the tuple into a ring buffer for userspace to consume. Note that the stack allocation is not strictly necessary for BPF ring buffer (as it allows reserving and committing buffer space), but for simplicity we try to keep perf and BPF ring buffer support on as similar codepaths as possible.

However, printf() (and also print()) were implemented assuming that all the arguments can fit neatly on the stack. Now that strings do not necessarily fit on the stack, we must rework the printing code.

Fortunately, we can just reuse the same per-cpu buffer trick as with big strings. Except this time there are no lifetime overlap issues so we can simply give the per-cpu array one entry sized to the largest tuple the program can create. Determining the largest tuple is also easy for a compiler - walk the AST again and keep the running max.


Now that the big issues (as well as some smaller ones we’ve glossed over) are solved, bpftrace plans to change the default value of BPFTRACE_MAX_STRLEN up to 1024 bytes. Assuming all goes well, scripts limited by small strings will magically start working better and new users will be none the wiser about any underlying BPF limitations.