
Revamping bpftrace’s CI with Nix

I’ve been rewriting the bpftrace CI on-and-off the past few months. Now that it’s nearly done, I thought it would be nice to sum up some of the changes.

Previous state

The previous iteration of the bpftrace CI relied heavily on Github Actions and docker. Specifically, we had three major workflows: CI, embedded, and code scanning.

The CI workflow was the main workhorse – it built and tested bpftrace across various combinations of LLVM version, distro base, and compiler suite (ie GCC and clang).

The embedded workflow was fairly similar to the CI workflow except that it built bpftrace in semi-static configurations. In other words, the bpftrace binary under test would be statically linked with the exception of dynamic linking against glibc and/or llvm/clang. If the tests passed, it would then push the semi-static binary up to quay.io for end user consumption.

The code scanning job has seen various iterations over the years (from LGTM to CodeQL) but the basic premise has been the same: to scan for known code smells or bugs.


I was very happy with Github Actions (GHA). The integration with Github is obviously great and the free usage for open source projects is killer. So I had very little desire to rip that out.

The docker bits were a different story. Over time, we grew somewhat of a maze of build scripts that our infra as well as our Dockerfiles would call into. To make matters worse, almost all configuration was propagated through environment variables, making adhoc analysis quite difficult. To top it off, it was not very user friendly to run the CI configuration locally.

While I’ll grant it would’ve been possible to refactor the docker setup so that it was more user friendly, it still had the unavoidable drawback that binaries built inside the container could not be easily run on the root host. This adds friction to the development experience.

The final pain point we had was the embedded builds. The embedded builds were awesome for our users – a single binary that could run on almost any linux system. That had nice properties like being able to curl it onto a host you’re debugging without worrying if the distro had packaged the latest version of bpftrace yet. The drawback was that it was nearly impossible to maintain. Dale Hamel did tremendously valuable work years ago adding it, but unfortunately time has shown it was nearly impossible for the maintainers to keep up. Static C++ binaries are notoriously difficult to build. LLVM is notoriously difficult to integrate and keep up with. Combine both together and you have a serious problem. Since most of the maintainers are volunteers, we simply could not do it.

Enter Nix

I had not planned on Nix fixing all these problems. Originally it was an experiment for me to learn some new tech. But as I kept experimenting, I realized Nix had a lot of awesome properties. I won’t go into how I arrived at the solutions – it was an uninteresting combination of curiosity and long walks. Rather, I’ll lay out how it all fits together.

At the center of it all is the bpftrace flake. A flake is a Nix feature that enables deterministic configuration and builds of software. Inside our flake.nix, we define various bpftrace configurations. The main variable we change is the LLVM version, as it’s the most component bpftrace needs to integrate with. We also define pinned versions of bcc and libbpf as they are the other core bpftrace dependencies.

The flake immediately solves the developer experience problem. A new bpftrace developer can simply install nix and run nix build to get a fully working bpftrace binary. There are also other convenient features like developer shells that allow for more incremental builds and easy debugging. The nice thing is that all binaries built under Nix can run on the root host (not that there was ever a non-root host involved).

Next is CI. To make running CI configurations easier locally, I wrote a dependency-free python script that mirrored all the previously existing CI features. The most salient bit of the python script (and the part that took the longest to figure out) is the code that runs commands inside the Nix “environment”:

def shell(
    cmd: List[str],
    as_root: bool = False,
    cwd: Optional[Path] = None,
    env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
    Runs the specified command in the proper nix development

    Note that output is sent to our inherited stderr/stdout and
    that any errors immediately raise an exception.

With ci.py in place, all the workflow does is:

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action@v4
    - uses: DeterminateSystems/magic-nix-cache-action@v2
    - name: Load kernel modules
      # nf_tables and xfs are necessary for testing kernel modules BTF support
      run: |
        sudo modprobe nf_tables
        sudo modprobe xfs
    - name: Build and test
      env: ${{matrix.env}}
      run: ./.github/include/ci.py

And to run a basic CI configuration locally:

$ NIX_TARGET=.#bpftrace-llvm10  ./.github/include/ci.py

Full reproduction instructions are documented here.


The embedded builds required a bit more lateral thinking. Semi-static builds were clearly not tenable, so they were out. But we still need to give users a replacement. At the end of the day, we can’t screw our users just to make maintenance easier.

Fortunately, I had learned about AppImages recently. This is a particularly well written motivation on the topic if you’re not already familiar. The make matters even better, there already exists Nix support for appimage builds in the form of nix-appimage.

Nix and appimages are a well-made match. Basically what a nix appimage does is bundle a binary and all its runtime dependencies inside a squashfs image. It then prepends to the image a statically linked entrypoint binary that handles mounting the concatenated squashfs image through squashfuse. Once the image is mounted, control is transferred to the apprun binary which bind mounts the Nix store in a mount namespace at the places the final binary expects and then runs the final binary.

To drive the elegance home, consider the commit adding support to bpftrace. With support merged, the following is all you need to locally build a fully static bpftrace binary:

$ nix build .#appimage
$ ldd ./result
        not a dynamic executable
$ sudo ./result -e 'BEGIN { print("static!"); exit() }'
Attaching 1 probe...

With this, we can delete the embedded workflow and start shipping appimages instead.


Last but not least is the code scanning. The previous code scanning workflow installed all the requisite build dependencies on the root host and then ran the standard cmake build. That was fine, but it was a separate maintenance path.

This commit brings Nix to the workflow. Note how we can leverage the bpftrace flake while at the same time making things simpler.


Like I mentioned earlier, while my Nix journey started off as an experiment, it eventually proved to be useful beyond my wildest imagination. With one new small file we now control developer experience, continuous integration, and binary artifacts. All while greatly reducing maintenance burden.