
libbpf-rs: eBPF for the Rust ecosystem


libbpf-rs provides safe Rust bindings to libbpf as well as a cargo plugin to help you develop “Compile Once - Run Everywhere” eBPF applications. Use libbpf-rs over BCC to produce smaller, more efficient, and more predictable applications.


eBPF (BPF) programs have traditionally been written using BPF compiler collection (BCC). The application would then call into BCC using the C++ or Python bindings. BCC has an “on-the-fly” model, meaning BPF programs are compiled during runtime on production hosts. While this works, there are drawbacks:

  1. Every production machine needs kernel headers installed. These can get out of sync and can be missing internal headers.

  2. LLVM/clang is heavyweight in both binary size and resource consumption. This is because BCC needs to compile the BPF program (written in C) down to BPF bytecode the kernel can understand.

  3. End results can vary with kernel version and configuration. The BPF program can and will change depending on the host it’s running on.

This diagram illustrates BCC’s compilation and runtime model:

Compile Once - Run Everywhere

Compile Once - Run Everywhere (CO-RE) is a development effort solves the above issues by enabling ahead of time BPF program compilation. A summary of developments include:

More in-depth documentation as well as user facing APIs is available here.

This diagram illustrates the CO-RE compilation and runtime model:

Enter Rust

Why Rust? Rust’s appeal (to systems programmers like myself) is its emphasis on safety without compromising performance or expressiveness. As such, there are powerful facilities for library designers to build abstractions that resist misuse. This, coupled with the kernel’s guarantee that a verified BPF program (modulo bugs) can never crash, hang or interfere with the kernel negatively makes Rust + BPF a very attractive combination.

libbpf-rs provides safe (w.r.t. Rust’s unsafe keyword) bindings to libbpf. On top of that, libbpf-rs is designed such that if your code can compile, you’re almost certainly using the library correctly. Much of that guarantee comes from liberal use of newtype and builder APIs.

libbpf-cargo is a cargo plugin that integrates with cargo workflows Rust programmers are already familiar with.

Together, libbpf-rs and libbpf-cargo provide CO-RE support in the Rust ecosystem.

Rust skeleton

If you want to skip ahead and browse the unabridged example, look here.

BPF skeletons started out as an alternative interface to libbpf. Its goal was to simplify and reduce boilerplate when developing BPF applications. It ended up being so successful that it’s now the recommended interface. Naturally, libbpf-rs supports Rust BPF skeletons.

Given BPF object files (eg myobj.bpf.o), cargo libbpf gen can generate Rust skeletons for your object files. Consider runqslower: a prototypical BPF application. runqslower shows high latency scheduling times between tasks being ready to run and them running on CPU after that. Below is an abridged copy of runqslower.bpf.c (the BPF program bits):

const volatile __u64 min_us = 0;
const volatile pid_t targ_pid = 0;
const volatile pid_t targ_tgid = 0;

struct {
    __uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH);
    __uint(max_entries, 10240);
    __type(key, u32);
    __type(value, u64);
} start SEC(".maps");

struct {
    __uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY);
    __uint(key_size, sizeof(u32));
    __uint(value_size, sizeof(u32));
} events SEC(".maps");

int handle__sched_wakeup(u64 *ctx);

int handle__sched_wakeup_new(u64 *ctx);

int handle__sched_switch(u64 *ctx);

To compile the object:


$ # Program sources must be placed in `src/bpf`
$ find . -name runqslower.bpf.c

$ # If you haven't already
$ cargo install libbpf-cargo

$ cargo libbpf build

To generate the skeleton:

$ cargo libbpf gen

$ # Generated skeleton files are placed in `src/bpf`
$ find . -name runqslower.skel.rs
$ find . -name mod.rs

The following is example code that drives the skeleton:

mod bpf;
use bpf::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Open skeleton
    let mut skel_builder = RunqslowerSkelBuilder::default();
    let mut open_skel = skel_builder.open()?;

    // Write arguments into prog
    open_skel.rodata().min_us = 42;  // The answer to everything
    open_skel.rodata().targ_pid = 1;
    open_skel.rodata().targ_tgid = 1;

    // Load skeleton into kernel
    let mut skel = open_skel.load()?;

    // Attach progs to attach points

    // Set up ring buffer processing
    let perf = libbpf_rs::PerfBufferBuilder::new(skel.maps().events())

    // Process entries from ring buffer
    loop {

fn handle_event(cpu: i32, data: &[u8]) {

fn handle_lost_events(cpu: i32, count: u64) {

Note there’s no mention of the runqslower.bpf.o file anywhere. That’s because the contents of the object file have been embedded into the skeleton file (using include_bytes!() macro). As a result, you don’t have to worry about shipping BPF object files along with your application binaries.

Also note how open_skel.rodata() and skel.maps() is infallible. Generated skeletons have infallible accessors for all maps, programs, and global variables. This reduces the number of errors your application can encounter at runtime.

Finally, note how we can set and get values for global data. cargo libbpf gen can read the BTF (that clang generates for the object file) and generate appropriate Rust definitions. These structures are then mmap()ed to the kernel at runtime. Global data is the most convenient way to communicate with BPF programs from userspace. Simply read and write values like usual. Note that OpenRunqslowerSkel::rodata() returns a mutable reference to the read-only data and RunqslowerSkel::rodata() returns an immutable reference. That’s because constant values can only be set before the program is loaded into the kernel. Safety at work!

To build the application:

$ cargo libbpf make
$ sudo ./target/debug/runqslower


If you have questions (you most likely do) about libbpf-rs, please consult the official documentation:

If you have more questions / concerns after that, please reach out to me in any way possible.