
Understanding btrfs internals part 5

This is the fifth and final part of a multipart series that explains the basics of btrfs’s on-disk format.

At the end of this series, we’ll have a program that can print out the absolute path of every regular file in an unmounted btrfs filesystem image without external libraries or ioctl(2) calls.

Example code is available here.


At the end of Part 4, we had access to the filesystem tree root. All that’s left for us to do now is walk the filesystem tree and make sense of the data it contains.

By now, you should be fairly familiar with the high level B-tree algorithms we’re using. You should also be familiar with how btrfs structures its metadata. The hard part is over! This final part is not very complicated – at this point it’s an exercise in reading the documentation.

Filesystem tree item types

There are quite a few item types stored in the FS tree. However, we only care about two:

  1. BtrfsDirItem
  2. BtrfsInodeRef

BtrfsDirItem represents an entry in a directory. The name of the directory entry directly follows the structure. We’ll enumerate all the BtrfsDirItems in the filesystem, grab their names, and the compute the absolute path leading up to the directory entry.

BtrfsInodeRef is a helper structure that helps link inode numbers to BtrfsDirItems. It also contains information on the parent of the inode. We’ll use this information to locate the parents for every regular file we find. The name of the inode BtrfsInodeRef refers to directly follows the structure.

BtrfsDirItem and BtrfsInodeRef are defined as follows:

#[repr(C, packed)]
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct BtrfsDirItem {
    pub location: BtrfsKey,
    pub transid: u64,
    pub data_len: u16,
    pub name_len: u16,
    pub ty: u8,

#[repr(C, packed)]
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct BtrfsInodeRef {
    pub index: u64,
    pub name_len: u16,

Writing the code

fn walk_fs_tree(
    file: &File,
    superblock: &BtrfsSuperblock,
    node: &[u8],
    root_fs_node: &[u8],
    cache: &ChunkTreeCache,
) -> Result<()> {
    let header = tree::parse_btrfs_header(node)?;

This should be fairly familiar to you by now. Always parse the header of a node first.

    // Leaf node
    if header.level == 0 {
        let items = tree::parse_btrfs_leaf(node)?;
        for item in items {
            if item.key.ty != BTRFS_DIR_ITEM_KEY {

            let dir_item = unsafe {
                    .add(std::mem::size_of::<BtrfsHeader>() + item.offset as usize)
                    as *const BtrfsDirItem)

            if dir_item.ty != BTRFS_FT_REG_FILE {

This too should be familiar. If we’re at a leaf node, start processing the items in the node.

For our use case, we only want BtrfsDirItems that represent regular files. Skip everything else.

            let name_slice = unsafe {
                    (dir_item as *const BtrfsDirItem as *const u8)
            let name = std::str::from_utf8(name_slice)?;

Extract the name of the directory entry. For example, if this BtrfsDirItem represented /home/daniel/dev/readme.txt, name would contain readme.txt.

Now that we have the filename, we must compute the absolute path leading up to it.

            // Capacity 1 so we don't panic the first `String::insert`
            let mut path_prefix = String::with_capacity(1);
            // `item.key.objectid` is parent inode number
            let mut current_inode_nr = item.key.objectid;

Here’s where things get a little trickier. If you haven’t already noticed, btrfs tends to store whatever it wants inside a BtrfsKey. The only thing that’s really nailed down is BtrfsKey::ty. Aside from the type field, the meaning of the BtrfsKey::objectid and BtrfsKey::offset fields completely depend on the item type. In other words, just because the name is offset doesn’t necessarily mean it’s actually the offset to anything.

Here, item.key.objectid actually means the inode number of the current directory item’s parent.

            loop {

Start a loop that’ll end when we’re done looking up the absolute path of this current directory entry.

                let (current_key, _current_inode, current_inode_payload) =
                    get_inode_ref(current_inode_nr, file, superblock, root_fs_node, cache)?
                        .ok_or_else(|| {
                            anyhow!("Failed to find inode_ref for inode={}",
                unsafe { assert_eq!(current_key.objectid, current_inode_nr) };

Look up the BtrfsInodeRef for the current_inode_nr. When the loop beings, it holds the immediate parent to the directory entry. As the loop iterates, it’ll go to the parent’s parent, the parent’s parent’s parent, etc. until we reach the root of the filesystem.

get_inode_ref() returns a tuple of:

We omit get_inode_ref()s implementation for brevity. It’s essentially the same code as this function except it searches for BtrfsInodeRefs.

                if current_key.offset == current_inode_nr {
                    path_prefix.insert(0, '/');

Check if we’ve reached the root of the filesystem. For BtrfsInodeRefs, the BtrfsKey::offset field holds _current_inode’s parent’s inode number. If the parent inode # and the current inode # match, it means we’re at the root of the filesyste.

If we’re at the root, insert a / to path_prefix to root the absolute path and exit the loop.

                    &format!("{}/", std::str::from_utf8(&current_inode_payload)?),

If we’re not yet at the root, we interpret BtrfsInodeRef’s payload as a string containing the name of the inode. We tack that onto the front of path_prefix.

                current_inode_nr = current_key.offset;

The last thing we do in the loop is set current_inode_nr to its parent’s inode number. This ensure we keep moving closer to the root of the filesystem.

            println!("filename={}{}", path_prefix, name);

Finally, after the loop exits, we combine path_prefix and name to get the absolute path of the regular file we’re processing. We print the result to the terminal.

    } else {
        let ptrs = tree::parse_btrfs_node(node)?;
        for ptr in ptrs {
            let physical = cache
                .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("fs tree node not mapped"))?;
            let mut node = vec![0; superblock.node_size as usize];
            file.read_exact_at(&mut node, physical)?;
            walk_fs_tree(file, superblock, &node, root_fs_node, cache)?;

This really ought to bore you now. If we’re at an internal node, recursively process each of the child nodes.


And finally, if we’ve reached the end of the function, we’re done.


Congrats on making it this far in the series! Creating and writing up btrfs-walk was extraordinarly educational for me and hopefully for you as well.

Note that we’ve just barely scratched the surface of all the complexity btrfs contains. But with a solid understanding of the core data structures, you should feel comfortable diving deeper into btrfs internals on your own.

If you’re still interested in btrfs, take a look at btrfs-fuzz. It’s an unsupervised coverage-guided btrfs fuzzer that I’m creating using what I’ve learned from btrfs-walk.