
File capabilities and /proc/<pid>

I’ve spent the past few evenings staring at a rather interesting kernel “bug”. I put “bug” in quotes b/c, spoiler alert, it’s not a bug.

It all started with an integration test failing due to a -EACCES return code. Normally I’d assume it’s a bug with the code under test, but we also happen to cover the same codepath in unit tests. So a failure when the code was run in a separate binary was something worth investigating.

The details of the test and test infrastructure aren’t important b/c I was able to come up with a short reproducer:

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  int fd = open("/proc/self/auxv", O_RDONLY);

  if (fd < 0) {
    return 1;

  return 0;
$ gcc main.c
$ ./a.out                                             # (1)
$ sudo setcap "cap_net_admin,cap_sys_admin+p" a.out   # (2)
$ ./a.out                                             # (3)
open: Permission denied

Basically the above program tries to open /proc/self/auxv and reports on whether it was successful. Pretty simple, and that’s all we do in step (1).

Things get more interesting when we get to step (2). For the unititiated, in step (2) we set a couple file capabilities on the executable. File capabilities (filecaps) are basically the same thing as setuid, except filecaps operate on capabilities which are much more granular than setuid’s “root or not”.

More specifically, we add the capabilities to the permitted set. This is an important distinction b/c it means the executable, when run as an unprivileged process, starts out with no extra capabilities. However, the process may grant itself any of the permitted capabilities (ie. “elevate”). Note how the reproducer does not elevate to any capabilities. In other words, our reproducer is capability-dumb.

Finally, in step (3) we run the reproducer just like in step (1). However unlike in step (1), we get -EACCES. And to be explicit, this is really strange b/c usually programs have extra powers with more capabilities, not less. Furthermore, the process doesn’t even use extra capabilities at runtime.

The stage is set for an interesting investigation: a trivial reproducer and a wildly unexpected result.

Odd ownership

I spent some time trying to trace kernel execution with everyone’s favorite tracer (bpftrace!). Unfortunately, a lot of the interesting logic was either in the body of a long function or in an inlined function call so I had to fall back to printk() debugging.

What followed was a lot of edit-compile-run loops (shoutout to virtme for making testing kernels so easy). I won’t bore you with the details, so suffice to say after a few hours I discovered that /proc/self/auxv was owned by root:root. And since /proc/self/auxv has 0400 permissions, our process running under daniel:daniel fails the UNIX permission check in acl_permission_check().

Christian Brauner later confirms this discovery on the lists.

So -EACCES is explained. But this begs a new question: why is /proc/self/auxv owned by root?

Process dumpability

I’ve looked at procfs internals before so I had an idea where to start looking. It took another few hours and a mixture of printk() and tracing, but I discovered where the procfs inodes get their owners calculated: task_dump_owner().

Around the same time (within minutes actually), Omar Sandoval kindly pointed out on twitter to look at process dumpability.

Process dumpability appears to govern whether or not processes can have their cores dumped. This seems reasonable – you may not want a privileged process’s memory to be dumped to disk if it contains sensitive information.

With the above hint, the search is narrowed down to the following block:

void task_dump_owner(struct task_struct *task, umode_t mode,
                     kuid_t *ruid, kgid_t *rgid)

        if (mode != (S_IFDIR|S_IRUGO|S_IXUGO)) {
                struct mm_struct *mm;
                mm = task->mm;
                /* Make non-dumpable tasks owned by some root */
                if (mm) {
                        if (get_dumpable(mm) != SUID_DUMP_USER) {
                                struct user_namespace *user_ns = mm->user_ns;

                                uid = make_kuid(user_ns, 0);
                                if (!uid_valid(uid))
                                        uid = GLOBAL_ROOT_UID;

                                gid = make_kgid(user_ns, 0);
                                if (!gid_valid(gid))
                                        gid = GLOBAL_ROOT_GID;
                } else {
                        uid = GLOBAL_ROOT_UID;
                        gid = GLOBAL_ROOT_GID;
        *ruid = uid;
        *rgid = gid;

Line 1853 checks if the inode is a globally accessible directory. /proc/pid/auxv is a regular file so we enter the body.

Line 1859 then checks for process dumpability. If it’s not globally dumpable (globally dumpable meaning anyone can read the process’s core dumps), the procfs inode is set to be owned by root:root. This decision is returned via ruid and rgid out-params on lines 1876-1877.

File capabilities

Now that we suspect process dumpability is involved, all that’s left to do is figure out who or what is setting process dumpability. To that end, we run the following bpftrace script against the reproducer:

$ cat b.bt
/ comm == "a.out" /
  printf("value=%d\n", args->value);

$ sudo bpftrace ./b.bt
Attaching 1 probe...



Here we see the smoking gun: __x64_sys_execve+54. This means that dumpability is being set at process creation time. This smells badly of file capability shenanigans. However for completeness, we’ll look at commit_creds() which directly calls set_dumpable():

int commit_creds(struct cred *new)

        /* dumpability changes */
        if (!uid_eq(old->euid, new->euid) ||
            !gid_eq(old->egid, new->egid) ||
            !uid_eq(old->fsuid, new->fsuid) ||
            !gid_eq(old->fsgid, new->fsgid) ||
            !cred_cap_issubset(old, new)) {
                if (task->mm)
                        set_dumpable(task->mm, suid_dumpable);
                task->pdeath_signal = 0;
                 * If a task drops privileges and becomes nondumpable,
                 * the dumpability change must become visible before
                 * the credential change; otherwise, a __ptrace_may_access()
                 * racing with this change may be able to attach to a task it
                 * shouldn't be able to attach to (as if the task had dropped
                 * privileges without becoming nondumpable).
                 * Pairs with a read barrier in __ptrace_may_access().


Line 475 is what we’ve been after. cred_cap_issubset() is checking is if the old capabilities are a subset of the new capabilities. If so, it means the process has gained capabilities during an execve(2) and process dumpability is adjusted. Again, this checks out b/c the new process may (or already) have elevated capabilities and could contain sensitive information going forward.


So we have our answer: our unprivileged cannot read /proc/self/auxv because it has filecaps assigned. And b/c filecaps can potentially make a process contain sensitive information, the kernel makes its /proc/<pid> inodes owned by root:root.

Although nothing terribly actionable resulted from this investivation, I nonetheless found this to be an interesting case study in emergent properties. Each new discovery made sense in isolation. But despite each step making sense, the final result remains unexpected. And b/c each step makes sense in isolation, I cannot think of a good way to change the final result without making some piece of the puzzle not make sense.

I suppose that’s why documentation is a thing.

And by the way, this behavior is actually documented in proc(2) man page under PR_SET_DUMPABLE.